Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Growin' Growin'

Man this little girl is growing so fast! It's hard for me to believe she is 10 weeks old already - and getting more beautiful and animated every day.

Here are some of her latest pics (some were taken with my phone and aren't the best quality):

My little chunky monkey looks like a toddler in this one!!

Ella had her 2 month check up and weighed in at 11 pounds 4 oz and was 22 1/4 inches long (50th percentile on both ht and wt). She also got 3 shots - poor baby was miserable. She cried all afternoon every time she moved her legs :-(

At least she had some cutesy daffy duck band-aids to show for it

Ellie got shots and Tuckie got the shave

I traveled with Ella by myself for the first time this past weekend. I was soooo worried she would cry the whole drive but she was an absolute angel and slept the whole time. We went to see Grammie for her birthday and had the best time playing with her sweet cousins who looooved to love on "Baby Ella."

Ella has changed so much in the past months. She is "talking" like crazy now. And smiling all the time.

This is my absolute favorite picture of her - those cheeks!!

She will actually sit in her bouncy seat and lay on her activity mat for almost a half hour! She's too cute, she just sits in her little seat kickin' those legs and smiling at the tv. Praise God that Mommy can actually get a few little things done around the house.

This child also looooves to watch some football with her Daddy.

Soooo pretty

Whistle face

She and Tuckie are buddies

I'm due back at work in less than two weeks :-(
Here comes a whole new set of adventures for this working mommy!


  1. Ella is the prettiest baby girl I have ever seen! I love those cheeks too!

  2. Oh my goodness I just love all the cute pictures of my sweet little munchkin!!! Those of her sitting on the couch made me laugh! She is so full of personality and expressions! I can't wait to see all of you again! We miss you tons!!!
