Monday, January 25, 2010

3 months old

My love,

Today you are 3 months old. It's hard to believe that it has already been TWELVE weeks since you graced us with your presence. I remember the day you were born like it was just yesterday. You came into this world bathed in prayer. You see, we knew all along God was in control, but sometimes the things we don't expect come at us. When the doctor told mommy a c-section was advisable, things started to get a little scary. But the most precious thing happened. Your entire family and some pretty amazing friends filled our hospital room and prayed for you...prayed for God's guidance in deciding how you should enter this world. I can't describe the peace that fell over me. I am so grateful you came into the world in such a way.

From the moment you arrived, you've let your presence be known. You've had one good set of lungs from day one! Now that you are 3 months, you are doing many new things:

1. Smiling like crazy - let me tell you, those smiles make me melt into a puddle

2. Giggling in your sleep - its the world's sweetest thing. I can't wait to hear you do it when you're awake.
3. "Talking" a lot - especially when we lay you on your changing table, for some reason you get really vocal there.

Your Daddy and I adore you. Now just slow it down a little, please ma'am!

Mommy and Daddy

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