Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Hard Day

My baby girl,

Tomorrow will be a hard day, probably one of the hardest I will have. Tomorrow I go back to work. I don't know how I will survive an entire day away from you, my love. I will probably cry. I hope that you don't. These past three months have been pure blessing, pure joy. Yes, I have been tired, the house has been dirty, and we've eaten our fair share of fast food. But I have so LOVED being home with you each day. Being there to see your smiles the minute that you wake up and being there to watch your eyes get sleepy as I rock you each night. From bath time to bed time, you are a joy. Yes, sometimes you are very fussy and we bounce on that yoga ball until I feel like my legs might fall off, but I wouldn't miss a minute of it. I can promise you, I'd rather be home bouncing a cranky baby than away at work filling prescriptions.

So why am I leaving you baby girl? I wonder the same thing sometimes, ok, all the time. But I am trusting in the promise that has carried me through each and every questionable moment in my life:

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

You see, baby girl, God has a plan. Not just for me, but for you too. I don't know why God has called me to be a pharmacist instead of a stay-at-home mommy. I know sometimes I question it. But in my heart, I trust Him. I know that our God will teach me how to be both, and for His glory. So, this will be a learning process. Bear with me sweet girl as I try to learn to be a mommy and work away from home at the same time. It won't be easy at first. Your bedtime might have to be a little later. But we will make it and we will come out stronger and better because of it. Just know that I want more than anything to be home with you. But I am trying to be obedient to God's will for me, for our family. I am trusting that, though I don't understand, God sees the big picture and has only good things in store for us. If you learn anything from your mommy, I pray that you learn that. God's will is perfect and He is trustworthy. He is faithful. His timing is always perfect. I pray that you learn to be a faithful follower of His precious plan for your life.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Emily - this is a beautiful post! She will see your faithfulness and obedience to the Lord and God will bless that beyond measure!! I pray for your first day back! There will be tears and you will be driving so fast to get back to her when you get off but know that God is good and faithful, especially when we are obedient to do His will!
