Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jeremiah 29:11

I am BLESSED. God is FAITHFUL. His timing is PERFECT.

I wrote the previous post below during my maternity leave, about the day I would have to return to work. I knew it would be a monumental day. Probably something like Ella's first day of kindergarten. I dreaded that day. I thought about it from the moment I knew I was pregnant, how I never wanted to leave her to return to work. And before I knew it, the time had come. Time is sneaky. When you least expect it, it starts flying by at lightning speed. It seems unfair. But, much to my surprise, God had something up His sleeve. Let me back up...

I've always wanted to stay home and raise my babies. But for some crazy reason God decided I'd make a decent pharmacist. Not sure why. I always thought it somewhat of a random career. Why pharmacy? Personally, I think His sense of humor is rather funny. I would doubt there is a career that embraces my type A personality and need for order and preciseness quite like pharmacy. I mean, wouldn't you want your pharmacist to be pretty precise? So here I am doing the pharmacist thing, with the random hours and working weekends, and God decides to bless us with a precious baby. Well, from the moment that little white stick told us we were pregnant, I started worrying about my job. How would I work a 12 hour shift knowing I have a baby at home. I remember walking to my car at 9pm thinking how hard this would be when we had a baby. But as I said before, God was in control all along. He knew my anxious heart. He also knew the desires of my heart. I wanted a different job so badly. One that would allow me to work normal hours and less weekends. I wanted to be home more. But after one failed interview and several closed doors I was starting to think I was stuck there. Fast forward a few months...

So here I am on maternity leave dreading the day I am due to return. I maxed out my leave and was due back in about a month. Right after Christmas, God gives me an incredible gift. My sweet sister-in-law called to tell me of an opening with Target. Not just any job, a PART-TIME job...with BENEFITS!!! This was EXACTLY what I had been hoping and praying for, but thinking I would NEVER find. These gigs are hard to come by. Especially the benefits part. You see, part-time was never really an option for me because we needed the insurance. So needless to say, I am ecstatic. I went through the interview process. The very very lengthy process. God carried me through three interviews and blessed me with a JOB OFFER.

Can I just say that God is so faithful. He is always on time. Never too early, and never too late. For 9 months I worried and worried. And all along He was telling me to wait, to leave it in His hands. He had it under control. I should have just trusted a little bit more. I just think it's perfect that, right before I am due back, God opens this door and reminds me "For I know the plans..."

After finding out that I got the job, I wanted Ella to get to be the one to share the good news. After all, it was all for her anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. That is soooo awesome! Praise God! He is so good and knows what is best! Enjoy your baby and your part-time job! It is truly a blessing!
