Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trying to catch up...

So I am more than a little behind in my blogging - funny how that happens when you are constantly chasing a now mobile 7 month old who insists on yanking on wires/cords, puppies' tails, anything else she can get those cute little hands on! And because I am way too ocd for my own good, I can't stand to blog out of chronological order. So my solution, I just don't blog. BUT, as much as it pains me to do so, I had to give in this week and just started blogging randomly trying to catch here it goes - a little father's day, followed by a little mother's day (I'm cringing as I type this) followed by some other random family happenings. We've been busy in the Nahidi house but I wouldn't trade a minute of our craziness. I hope everyone is having a BLESSED summer!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!! I totally understand this and thought I was the ONLY one that felt that way! In fact I was just telling my Mom about this really cute video I got of Adley but I didnt know when I would get to post it on the blog b/c I had so much to blog b4 that! She said "Kendall you need to get over the whole chronological blogging or else we will never know what is going on" I took a deep breath and blogged out of order - and now I have TONS of catching up to do...and now its all out of order! UGHHH! I guess that is just our new lives with little ones!
