Monday, April 2, 2012


There's nothing better than having a sister.  To this day, mine are my best friends and I'm not sure what I'd ever do without them. 

The moment we found out that our first baby was a girl, all I could think was how I hoped she would have a sister one day.  God answered my prayers with sweet miss Gracie.

Ella had been looking forward to having Gracie come "home from the hospital" for awhile before she actually made her debut.  I was a little concerned because Ella was insistent that she was going to have TWO baby sisters - Layla AND Gracie.  No matter how much I tried convincing her, she never waivered.  I'd say to her "Ella, are you going to help Mommy take care of your baby sister when she gets here?"  Her response was always something like "Mommy, you can hold Layla and I will hold Gracie." I was worried she would be one disappointed girl come c-section day when she only got to meet one baby.  Thankfully, after she met her little sister, she seemed content with just one baby.

I can't wait to see them interact more.  For now, their interactions consist mostly of Ella getting as close as she possibly can to Gracie and saying "hiiiiiii gracie!!" which sounds more like "greasy."  It's the best.  Poor Gracie just cringed in the beginning.  She's grown rather used to her big sister now.  One thing is certain, Gracie does love to hear her sister's voice.  If she's crying, Ella's voice can sometimes calm her down - except when its about 10 decibels too loud.

I've tried so hard to get a good picture of the two of them, but most of them usually end up like this: (but that's ok, I've decided these are the priceless ones after all)

Not sure what kind of face Gracie is making

Looks like Gracie is taking a punch to the face

Ella was saying "Mommy she's leaning on me"

Kisses are endless around here

Ella "helping get Gracie warm" - at least she left her face uncovered!

Ella LOVES to hold Gracie's hand - we're working hard on doing this gently.

Needless to say, there is not a lack of love between these girls.  

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