Sunday, April 1, 2012

The adventures of having two little girls...

These days in the Nahidi house are some rather crazy days. I have to laugh at our adventures, because if I don't, I find myself getting easily frustrated with the chaos, the noise, and the lack of any kind of routine. So I am trying hard to laugh, to soak up my girls in this stage of life, because I know that like each stage we've gone through until now, they pass far too quickly.

For instance,

Ella has decided that the pantry is her new personal kitchen and often when I'm nursing Gracie, I can find my eldest hiding out in the pantry "pretending" as she says. In her little mind "pretending" has involved emptying an entire oatmeal cannister, pouring out a bag of rice into small tupperware bowls, peeling the labels off of far too many cans (we are about to be having "surprise" dinners as we begin using these canned goods!), and peeling onions. Maybe it's sleep deprivation preventing my mind from working well, but I haven't figured out how to block off the pantry just yet. There's no lock on the door and our many many baby gates are too big for that door. To prove my point, a friend suggested the child-proof door knob covers - now why didn't I think of that 3 or 4 weeks ago??! No sleep I tell you, it can make your brain do crazy things, or in my case, just cause your brain to be extra slow at problem solving (not super helpful to this new momma of two!)

Ella has been able to open the fridge and freezer herself for quite some time now.  This can be a problem when I'm nursing - she manages to open the gate I've set up to contain her and rummage in the fridge or freezer.  One day, I walk into the kitchen after changing Gracie's diaper and imagine my surprise as I find this:

Realizing she'd been caught, she looks at me and says "she wants ice cream Mommy."  Oh yes, I see that my dear.

Other things my busy two year old has been doing: she's pretty much potty trained herself with zero pushing from me.  Before Gracie was born, Ella had been using the potty on her own occasionally, but not consistently. I didn't want to push her too far because I was afraif she'd lose interest. Also, many had told me that even if she was potty trained before her baby sister came, she'd likely revert back once the baby came, so I stood back and just let her do her thing. These days, however, I find her running around fully clothed but missing one thing - her diaper. I usually don't notice this until I've stepped in a puddle she's left me (okay that's only happened twice). Or more often than not, I walk into the bathroom and find this:

a diaper on the floor and no toddler in sight. She just sheds that diaper as soon as I'm not looking. If I'm lucky, its just a wet diaper, but sometimes this Momma isn't that lucky. Sometimes they're dirty diapers laying on the floor. Then I have to track down my toddler and do some cleaning and some discussing as to why we must ask mommy to help with the dirties. On one particularly special occasion (Grammie was lucky enough to witness this one), I walk into my bedroom to find Ella completely naked watching a cartoon and a huge, I mean HUGE, pile of poop on the floor. The diaper was MIA. I couldn't really blame her for wanting to take that one off! So now I find myself cleaning up poop and "peep" off of the floor from a toddler and two puppies. Someone remind me that I will miss these days please ;-)

Ella has also decided that she wants to dress herself.  If she can managed to get Daddy upstairs with her, she usually comes down looking something like this:

The shirt/pants might change, but the common denominator is layers.  No idea why this girl likes to wear 12 layers when we live in this weather.

Her other obesession is shoes.  I can honestly say she did not get this from me.  I think we can blame her aunties for this love.  Ella probably changes her shoes at least 20 times a day.  I'm not kidding.  You can usually find her in the laundry room floor switching out her shoes.  Sometimes she has on matching ones, often not.  But one thing is certain, they are almost always on the wrong feet.  (Only lately has she allowed me to switch them for her!)

Needless to say, Ella has not allowed herself to fall prey to boredom while Mommy nurses Gracie. I'm sure this next week will be full of even more adventures in our house.  It's a little crazy, but I wouldn't trade these days for anything, tired or not.

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