Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy 2 months my littlest love

Miss Gracie,

Oh my love, how sweet you are.  I can't believe two months have passed since we brought you home.  It really does go faster the second time, as if the first baby didn't grow fast enough!

Some things about you at two months:

You have gained a whopping 4 pounds - you are a chubby girl and I ADORE your rolls.  A double chin has never looked so good!

You tend to alternate with your big sister when it comes to sleeping well at night - one night you sleep well but Ella doesn't, the next night you are up every two hours and your sister is out cold.  I guess you two are doing us a favor??  But last night you did sleep 8 hours so this Mommy couldn't be happier.

Speaking of sleeping, you've decided that 10 pm is your official bedtime and not a minute earlier.  If we put you to bed before that, you will be up in less than 30 minutes.  You were sleeping a total of about 12 hours at night - to bed at 10, up around 2, again around 5, and then you'd often go back down until 9, sometimes even 10:00.  Then you would take a good 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  Notice I'm using past tense. I guess you decided you were being too easy on your Mommy.  Now you are down by 10 and up by 8'ish.  And naps, well they tend to be little cat naps now days.  And here I was thinking I finally had a good sleeper on my hands.  But seriously, you already sleep better than your big sister so I'm not complaining.

I hate to jinx things, but you seem to have surpassed the fussy, gassy stage for the most part.  That is a great relief.

You are so full of smiles when you wake up in the morning - it's hands down my favorite time with you.  Ella's too.  Your big sister and I love to hold you in the mornings and see who can make you smile - you don't make us work too hard at it.  You are pretty generous with your smiles sweet girl.

You love bath time.  As soon as I lay you in the tub you start kicking your legs.  Your big sister loves to "help" but we have to watch her because sometimes "helping" means trying to pour water on you.  But as always, you're a good sport.

You still guzzle your bottles like you haven't eaten in days - maybe that's where your cheeks come from :)

Mommy has pretty much switched completely to bottles - I couldn't seem to keep up with this growing girl once you hit your 6 week growth spurt.

You are by far the best little snuggler (besides your big sister, of course).  When you are sleepy you lay on my shoulder and just nuzzle.  When you can't fall asleep there you just keep moving your head from side to side trying to get comfortable.  That's when Mommy turns to the yoga ball.  It gets you every time.

You hate the swing, much like your sister did when she was a baby.  You will, however, sit in your bouncy seat while Mommy puts on makeup or blow dries her hair.  I am so grateful for this.

You are only 2 months but are barely fitting into your 3 month clothes - gotta love those cute rolls!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of you at 2 months:

My little love, we have enjoyed you so much over the past two months.  You've added so much joy to our home.  I can't wait to watch your little personality develop and see all the fun things you will soon learn.  I pray you will continue to be a healthy and happy little girl.  May God continue to bless us with your sweet smiles.  We love you to the moon and back.

1 comment:

  1. mum babypussy is to nice to cover up let her show it
