Wednesday, July 7, 2010

8 months ago today

My Ella girl, Today you are 8 months old - I'm not sure that I'm ok with that.

Six months I could handle. I was even excited when you started crawling.

Seven months was a little harder for me because you were more than halfway to your first birthday.

And now, 8 months - that just seems too big. I can't help but think that there are only 4 months until you turn one!

Time is flying and I know it will only seem faster as you grow and change everyday. Daddy and I adore you and are so proud of the "big girl" you are becoming.

At 8 months you are so very busy:

-You've been crawling since you were around 5 months old

-Pulling up on anything you can get your little hands on

-Taking steps down the couch as you hold on

-Finally FINALLY catching the puppies (might have something to do with the "snacks"
you carry around)

-Learning to feed yourself

-Still "singing" yourself to sleep

-"Talking" to anyone or anything that will listen

-Moving all over the place in your walker

-Stealing the puppies' food

-Turning over the puppies' water bowls to play in the water

-Feeding the puppies' your Gerber snacks

-"Dancing" to the Gilmore Girls

-"Dancing" and laughing when Daddy sings to you

-Insisting on standing throughout your entire bath

-Literally jumping out of the bathtub like a fish when YOU decided bath time was over

-Giving Mommy "kisses"

-Crawling as fast as your little arms will go when Mommy or Daddy walk in the door from work

-Squealing in delight when you spot one of your puppies

-Playing in Mommy's makeup while I get ready for the day

-Growing two teeth!

-"Brushing" your teeth

-Disassembling your baby monitor because Mommy was naive enough to think you couldn't reach it from your crib

-Becoming quite the little paper shredder if left unattended for more than 30 seconds

-"Making tea" while you sit in your bumbo seat

-Outgrowing your bumbo seat :-(

-Making the silliest faces I've ever seen

-Swimming like a big girl

-Finding your way to the bathtub while playing in your room

-Finding the one and only toy that belongs to poor Tuckie and hijacking it

-Getting yourself stuck in tiny spaces because you are a bit your Mommy

-Wearing your first "piggies"

-Standing up while holding onto something but being brave enough to let go!

-Celebrating your 1st July 4th, complete with fireworks, which you waited up for even though you were delirious by then

Baby girl, I just wish you would slow it down a little. Mommy and Daddy blinked and you grew from this little tiny, sweet, LOUD bundle of smiles and crazy hair to a silly, sweet sweet sweet 8 month old who is into EVERYTHING. You still have the crazy hair and you are still rarely quiet :) We love our Ellie girl and are enjoying every second of watching you grow into a sweet little girl.

We love you more than we ever dreamed of,

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. My sweet girl is almost 9 months now. I miss you so much. I don't think I appreciated this blog and all your Mommy's work as much until I have been gone now for so long... now I look through it daily and it feels new to me every time. See you guys soon.
