Saturday, June 27, 2009

Movin' on pants sizes :)

So you don't have to look real close, turn your head sideways, and squint one eye to see that I'm pregnant now! yaaaaay! I've never been so excited to get big! I remember telling Nolan early on that I couldn't wait to start showing and he just didn't get it. I told him I just needed some outward evidence of this pregnancy besides all the yucky throwing up and constant nausea, not to mention the hourly trips to the fridge/pantry. that the yuckies are gone (mostly), baby Ella has decided to show herself. Then again, maybe she just liked London because that's when she really made herself known :)

Here we are in our hotel in London. It was then I realized, whoa I better get a pic because it's officially begun! This would've been around 16 weeks: we are now at around 19 weeks. Laura made a good suggestion to keep taking pics in the same outfit so we can really see the growth...we'll see how long this dress can hold up!

At our last dr's appointment, the nurse had me step on the scale, she tells me my weight and I was like "whoooaaa!" She looked at me with this disgusted look and I quickly replied "No, no, I'm not complaining, really! Just suprised at the jump." Guess my nightly PB sandwich and milk are doin' the trick :)

But, according to Laura, I'm in denial because I haven't given in to the maternity pants yet ;-) We were having fun shopping in Gap together and she looks at me like a crazy lady when I grab my regular size in some shorts to try on. I was like - what? they ride low, below the belly! She laughs, shakes her head, and by the end of the weekend, she and mom so kindly led me into a Gap maternity store. By the time I made my way to the back of the store, my sweet sister had an armful of clothes for me to try on...hint hint. I haven't been able to bring myself to buy the huge pants yet, but I did get some other fun stuff courtesy of my sweet mom. And I'm sure by the next month, I'll be waiting in line to buy the very large pants!


  1. Oh, Emily your so funny. I love this blog. I can definetly see lil Ella at nineteen wks. Your still as beautiful too.

  2. So how are those maternity pants fitting these days! If I weren't the super nice big sister that I am, I would be saying, "See, I told you so!". I can't wait to meet Miss Ella! With such a beautiful name as Ella and two of the sweetest people I know for parents, she is going to be one especially pretty baby girl! We are soooo super excited to meet her!!!
