Monday, February 18, 2013

Where did your first year go?

Sweet baby love, how is it that you are one year old already...that 365 days have passed since I held you for the first time, since you graced us with your sweet presence?  


How is it that one year can seem so short, yet it feels like you've always been here with us?  

How is it that it seems like only yesterday that Ella became a big sister and yet I can't remember life without your sweet face?

Gracie, love - you are a joy.  You are so full of energy and excitement that each day is so much fun.  You've reached the stage where everyday is something new - a new word, a new silly thing, a new love that you have.  You have changed so much this past year and I know that your second year will be no different.  I adore everything about you, but these are my absolute favorites:

Your signature scream / shriek / squeal - let it be known that you are here and you demand our attention!  For a little while you gladly donned the nickname "howler monkey" - you earned it my dear, wear it well. In fact, your squeals have not diminished at all, but grown in intensity and are usually much more demanding than they used to be.

Your love for your sister.  It's no secret that you two adore each other.  When you were a tiny baby I'll admit, it seemed a little one-sided.  But the way you follow your big sister around can only mean one thing. You are smitten with her.  And though you pull her hair quite often, and shriek if she touches your white puppy - you love her to pieces.  You are quick to yell if she leaves the room, namely the game room because you can't get down the steps to follow her and are demanding that she come back and either get you down and take you with her, or stay put and play with you there.  You ADORE playing with her in her room and seem to think you are just as big as she is as you sit at the table and have tea parties together or play in the tent with your dream lights.

You are the boss.  No questioning that.  It's so funny because as a baby, you were the most laid back, relaxed little girl.  You were quite, passive, and just content to hang out with whoever would snuggle with you.  And now, while you are still the sweetest little thing with your hugs and kisses and laughter - well, now, you are the boss of the house.  You my dear, rule the roost.  It's hard to really describe why that is.  I think your Aunt Maygee said it best when she told me "I don't think you can have anymore kids because Gracie, well she's just not going to be a middle child."  You are fierce my love.  Simply fierce. I mean that in the sweetest way possible

Your infamous "no's"  I have no idea why but you LOVE love LOVE to shake your head no at us.  I guess it's more of that sassy personality coming out.  Regardless, it is hands down hilarious.  We used to ask you questions just to get a good head shake from you.

Gracie, are the aggies going to win the game?  shakes head no
Gracie, can I have a kiss? shakes head no
Gracie, do you wanna go to bed? shakes head no.

Your sweet babble.  You can say a handful of words really well.  Mommy, Daddy, Ella (only a few times), Tucker, thank you, puppy, baby, bye bye, yesterday you said your version of purse, and you've started attempting "please."  The best part about your "talking" however, is sometimes when you babble at us you do it with such conviction and you are usually shaking a finger at us in some way or another.  Daddy and I feel like we are either getting scolded or lectured!  Then there's this conversation that takes place about every 3 minutes:

gracie: momaaaaaa, momaaaaa, momaaaaa!
me: yes gracie?
gracie: long pause as if deciding what to say....momaaaaaa, momaaaaa, momaaaaaa, momyyyyyyy!

I will definitely be sad when all the baby babble is gone and is replaced by perfectly pronounced words.

Your dancing.  It's the best and it makes me dizzy all at the same time.  For the longest time now, as soon as music comes on, you hold up your little pointer fingers and move them around.  You got your momma's moves ;)  Just recently you've switched to endless spinning in circles.  Occasionally you mix it up and do both.  The best is when you try to throw in your head shake with your spinning.  This almost always results in a good spill.

You are a GREAT sleeper - praise the Lord!  After the obligatory lack of sleep as an infant (and trust me you did your duty), you've settled in to be a great sleeper.  You are currently still taking two naps a day and are down for the night by 8:30 if not earlier  You don't get up during the night at all, and if you do, you settle back in on your own without fussing.  I am so thankful, so so so thankful to have a good sleeper :)


You are just as silly as can be.  One of my favorite things you do when I'm holding you, if I'm talking to Daddy or Ella, or doing something other than looking at you, you sweetly lean your little head forward and look me right in the eyes and break into the hugest grin as if to say "hellooooo look at me."  You don't scream at me (this time) or anything else, you just smile and stare into my eyes.  It's truly one of my favorites :)

Gracie, love, there are endless things I love about you.  
Actually, I love everything about you.  

I have loved every moment of this past year.  

The good, 
the difficult, 
the silly, 
the sweet, 
the exhausting, 
the exhilarating,
the learning,
the changing,
the growing,
the snuggles,
the kisses and hugs,
the really wet and snotty kisses,
the moments of listening to you babble in my lap as you fight sleep,
the fierce hugs you give me when I get you out of your bed after you wake,
the sweet moments of your head on my shoulder,
the early morning mickey cartoons as we snuggle on the couch before big sister wakes up,
the look of triumph on your face as you slide out of the rocking chair determined not to nap,
the sound of your sweet voice "talking" as you lay in your bed in the mornings after you wake,
the sight of you holding your sister's hand from your car seat in my rear view mirror,
your little hand held out demanding a snack from Ella while riding in the car,
the intense joy on your face when you see your minnie doll - every. single. time. without fail.
the way you hold your little hands out in front of you, opening and closing your fist in excitement when you see something or someone that you want,
the look of pure mischievousness as you contemplate taking something from Ella,
the speed at which you run after your mission has been accomplished, with your loot held high over your head in both hands as your run away squealing your famous squeal,
the look on your face if your sister dared to try to same thing,
the way you hug Maygee so hard the instant you see her as if to say "oh i've missed you",
the joy on your face when we open the back door and say yes you can go outside,
the speed at which you go as if we might change our minds,
the sight of you in that pink car and your sister pushing it, or washing it, lol you never know,

oh my love, see, didn't I tell you I could go on and on.  and on.  and on.  I love everything about you.  And I'm both overjoyed and appalled that you're growing so fast.

For your second year, I pray that God continues to bless you with joy and health.  I pray your bond with your sister only strengthens. And most importantly, I pray that as your mommy, I soak up every second.  Because each day you are a new little girl.  Something that you once did is no more and a new trait or habit has replaced it. You went from a baby to a toddler in a second.  I'm done with blinking.  Next time I do, you will no doubt be a little girl.  I'm not ok with that, so please, please, take it slow for this Momma.

All my love, Layla Grace



  1. I loved reading this and have big, happy tears! She (and her big sister) are such a joy and I am blessed to be their Auntie Laura! I so wished I could get in my car, drive down the road & see them every day!

  2. love a really good feel of what is hiding in her nappy
