Monday, November 14, 2011

Two years old already??

Ella Maryam,
my love,

How is it possible that you are already two years old? TWO years old?? It doesn't seem right to me, after all, you were just born a few months ago. But at least several times a day I look at you and think "Wow, you aren't a baby anymore. You're a little girl." You don't even seem like a toddler to me - it's like you skipped that part. You went straight for the little girl stage. I say this because you are so grown up already. You talk more than many 4 or 5 year old that I know - where did you get this, by the way??

Little girl, you are the joy in our lives. Each day you surprise me with something new you have learned. You've known your ABC's since you were about 19 months old. At two, you can recognize almost any letter when we write it for you. You can count to 11 in English (from 12-20 it gets interesting!) and to 10 in Farsi. You know many words in Farsi as well, you've already surpassed your Momma in that department. You amaze me, my love. But aside from all the things that I, as your Momma, think you are so good at (I know I know - it's the Mommy in me), I am most proud of your sweet spirit and encouraging words. You make us melt over and over with your hugs and kisses (which have sound effects now, mind you). You keep us on our toes, reminding us to "Thank the Father" each night at dinner and when we put you to bed. You are wise already, my sweet girl. I pray your passion for thankfulness continues as you grow older.

I love you "baby love"

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