Sunday, November 7, 2010

One whole year??!!

My sweet Ella,

Is it really possible that it's already been one whole year since you were born?

One whole year since labor began and you so kindly got me out of working the weekend shift at the pharmacy...

One whole year since tons of family and friends all gathered at the hospital to meet you...

One whole year...

since I spent almost 48 hours in labor with you, only to have a c-section...

since our hospital room was circled with loved ones, all bowed in prayer over your arrival...

since I heard you cry for the first time and cried right along with you...

since I saw your precious face for the first time and thought just how perfect you truly were...

since I saw that crazy head of hair you are still famous for - I'm pretty sure my second thought after seeing you was "oh my goodness where did she get all of that beautiful dark hair??"...

since I became Ella's mommy and began this crazy, beautiful journey of motherhood...

Beautiful child, you keep me laughing on a daily basis. You are so smart, funny, and sweet, not to mention mischievous and hard-headed like your momma. Since you came into this world you have been a loud one, a feisty one,

that definitely has not changed, but I wouldn't change you for the world. The sound of your giggles and laughter, your shrieks of delight when you spot Tuckie ("Guh-Guh"), your ever so famous "Hiiiiiiii" - our home is a better place because of you and all that you entail.

I adore you more than you will ever know.

Happy Birthday to our "Ellie-love"

May your second year be filled with just as much love, laughter, learning, and joy as the first one was. But maybe just a little more sleep :-)

I love you to the moon and back,


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