Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Sunday was a beautiful day...Mother's Day

a day to honor all the moms that we love so much,
admire so much,
respect so much,
and appreciate so much...

a day to be thankful for my Mom and all that I admire about her:

~She is a mighty woman of God...a woman after God's own heart~

As a child/teen, I remember waking up each day for school to find her in a quiet room, in prayer for her children and the day before them. Each morning I always knew she'd be down there, having her quiet time, but I would still walk through her bedroom and peek through the door, not because I wondered what she was doing, but because I just loved the sight of her there, in prayer, with God's word open on her lap. It's probably my favorite memory of my mom growing up. I remember her leading us in devotionals at the breakfast table not long after my big sister and I accepted Jesus. I'll never forget watching her read her Bible quietly, that worn black leather Bible that still intrigues me to this day. I love seeing her notes scrawled across the pages. I remember her taking me to a women's Bible study at first baptist church with her one summer. I felt so honored, to get to sit among such amazing women and learn from them...this young teenage girl sitting among these mature women. It was a blessing and I'm glad she shared it with me.

~She is self-sacrificing~

It's funny how little you appreciate your mom while growing up...I hate to say that most of the work my mom did for us, I didn't really understand or appreciate until I had to do it myself. Like how every night she would cook dinner for us...and make us eat around the table together when all we wanted to do was finish our tv show. I never understood that sacrifice until I became a wife. I hate to say, but sometimes, ok most of the time for me, cooking is a chore - especially after a hard day's work. And I know my mom had a hard day of work, doing our laundry, cleaning up after us, sewing for us, taking care of our home, and often my dog (thanks for that mom!), driving us all over the place - to church, practice, you name it. Today I appreciate those things...I wish I had appreciated it all along, but I just want her to know now - Mom, I appreciate every bit of it, you truly are amazing!

~She truly cares about our lives~

One thing I appreciate the most about this amazing woman, is that she realized the importance, the magnitude of each decision in our lives. I have watched her pray earnestly and weep over decisions we have made (good and bad)...desiring only that we see God's will and follow it. For she knew something we couldn't always see - God has a mighty plan for each of us...we just need the faith to follow Him. From decisions about dating, which college we would attend, what city we'd live in....she always cared so much. Especially the dating part - looking back, I appreciate that the most. Had I not listened to her wisdom, I might have missed out on the greatest blessing of my life - this amazing man that God saved just for me! She had our best interest at heart - always. I remember the day I called to tell her that I was moving to Houston to continue pharmacy school...I could hear her tears...she didn't want me so far away...but she knew it was God's plan for me, and she respected that. She put her desires away...and let me follow God's plan. I was, and still am, blessed with a mom who truly cares! Thank you, God!

I could go on and on about my mom...but the one thing I will say is...in just 6 more months I get to begin that same journey and I only pray I can be as amazing as she.

So, Happy (belated) Mother's Day to my sweet mom (aka Grammie).
I love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. You said it all perfectly, we are truly blessed with the best mother ever! I know I never appreciated her sacrifices enough until I had to attempt them myself! She is Wonder Woman in my eyes, no matter how hard I try I still can't get it all done!
    Thanks for posting this Emi!
    Love ya!
