Monday, April 19, 2010

5 months!

So our baby girl turned 5 months on April how time flies. I feel like I have said that a million times since she's been born, but it's the truth. She's just growing so fast...nobody asked me if that was ok. But I will admit, it is so much fun to watch her learn new things each day. I feel blessed to get to introduce her to so many things. Like watching her roll over for the first time, the look on her face when she found her hands, discovered her feet, and even better - discovered her feet would reach her mouth! I think her favorite thing is hands...her hands, my hands, daddy's hands - you name it, this girl loves her some hands.

She's been busy lately, what with learning how to sit up and all! I am so proud!!! She doesn't stay upright for long, but she's working on it. Did I mention how time flies???

Here she is sitting there like such a big kid playing with her toy, minding her own business.

Heeeey Mommy!

And she's falling...
...down for the count!

She's also been very busy outgrowing her clothes. Mommy was so very sad to see this one go. This was the very first outfit I bought for Ella when I was pregnant. It was always my favorite so I thought I would try it on her for one last wear...yeah not so much.

That little belly wouldn't have it!!

Sad day for this Mommy because it's official...this kid is growing! We are on to the 6 months clothes. Ella doesn't seem to mind, she couldn't be happier!

What else...she has discovered the puppies and thinks they are HILARIOUS! When Tucker gets fired up and starts running around she giggles really hard. Her laughter has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever heard!

The dogs, on the other hand, aren't quite as fond of her. Sometimes Tucker will randomly walk up to her and give her a "kiss" but he's not a fan of her "petting" him, which usually consist of Ella getting super excited and reaching out and grabbing his hair! We're trying to teach her to be gentle, but it's a little hard - she's a bit small :)

Tucker keeping his distance

Ella has been sleeping like a champ...for the most part. For the past couple of weeks she's been sleeping from around 9:30 to 5 or so, up for a bottle, then back down for maybe 2-3 hours. And some nights she will even spoil me by sleeping straight through from 9:30 to 7 or 8am. It has been WONDERFUL because this Mommy hadn't slept a full night since Ella was born!! The really funny thing is, Ella seems to know when I have to work the next day. I can't figure it out - on the nights when I have to work the next day, she doesn't sleep all night. She wakes up around 4 and wants a bottle, then again around 6 and wants to stay up. It's so weird, we do absolutely nothing different on those nights, it's like she just knows. I tell myself it's because she doesn't want to risk not getting to spend time with Mommy before I go to work :) But who knows.

Here are a few more sweet pics

Ella and I are headed to Grammie and Pop's this week so I'm sure we will have some fun pics when we get back!


  1. She is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing pics! You are a great Mama! Enjoy your baby girl!!

  2. Thanks so much Kendall! I always love seeing pics of Adley too, you are so creative with your photo sessions...doesn't hurt that you have a really handsome little subject :)
